Thursday, August 02, 2007

Out of the Mouths of Babes...

As the realization hits me that with a new baby on the scene, LL will seem to grow up overnight in some ways, I wanted to record some more of the sweet things she says these days. She started talking earlier than her big sister and has surprised me with how well she pronounces most words, but there are several cute "LLisms" that she continues to use. I know these could disappear from her vocabulary any day, replaced by their more accurate counterparts and fully developed sentences. So for now, some things I can't help but smile when I hear:

"bunna"=banana (one of her first words, and she still likes the shortened
"Avrace sleeping/nightnight/kiss"= always talking about her big sis!
"colo sheep"= she's always called crayons "colos" but lately has added
a new word to let us know she wants a coloring sheet!
"rock/swing/play. Minutes"= this is how she let's us know she wants to
do the activity she is currently doing a few more minutes.
"music on"= said about a dozen times a was the first thing she
said this morning when I went to get her out of bed.
"clown nice"= we saw a clown yesterday at the library and she was a little
unsure about it; since then she's reminded herself of these
reassuring words from Mom regularly!
"Daddy/Avrace/Mommy slilly"= letting us know she thinks we're silly
sometimes, too!
"(animal name) say....(sound)"= a current favorite game, she randomly
starts this and her favorites are lions, tiger, and bees.
"drummond"- drum. She used to say "drum" but we got this little book
at Chick-Fil-A about a boy named Drummond, so I think this confused her.
Another cute confusion: Just this morning, I gave her a sucker on the way to Bible study, and from then on she's randomly been saying "soccer ball"...I think she is calling her sucker a soccer ball!

It's so fun to see how quickly she's filling in the blanks on songs she loves to sing, too. She can make it through the ABCs, but this is what it sounds like: "ABCDeeefFG.HIJKOOOOP.QRSTyoufV.WXYandZ." "Frinkle, Frinkle Little Star" is another one she's adding to each day! She's sure to have a good stock of ways to entertain a little sister when the time comes...

1 comment:

wdees said...

I have really enjoyed reading your daily entries in your journal of your two girls and anticipation of the new one soon. I hope you will have time to continue once you come home with the newest addition. Does she have a name yet? The pictures are great and the girls are growing! Thanks for sharing! Wandra