Saturday, August 25, 2007

Leapin' Lizards

Tonight we had a fun family event... an old-fashioned indoor lizard catching! Just before putting the girls to bed we were all in the family room, and LL exercised her radar for moving objects in high places (previously used to detect the racoon or "doggie," as she called it, in our tree and several planes almost invisible to the human eye, which she is able to spot from inside our van in the midst of many more obvious distractions...) to point out to us a little gecko-like lizard on the wall. So T and I got together a haphazard plan to catch it quickly using a bowl and a grocery sack, and somehow this led to my climbing onto a nearby chair to assist in the capture. Well, this seemed like a fine idea and would have been no big deal, I'm sure, except that I am a total chicken when it comes to little creatures such as bugs and lizards actually touching me. So as we started to remove the bowl/bag with lizard (hopefully) inside from the wall, I am almost certain I felt the lizard on my hand, and I totally freaked out, jumping down from the chair and stumbling around, breaking a beloved but repairable item of the girls in the process (which was regrettable, certainly, but preferrable to my leg or neck). I am sure it was a sight to behold my 9 month pregnant frame descending and dancing around like, well, like someone trying to get away from a wily little lizard. Anyway, this was lost on the girls and T at that moment, as we quickly regained our focus on the escapee. Thankfully, it was probably stunned and didn't go too far or too fast, and T was able to grab it and put it in a jar for observation before letting it go outside. The girls were riveted by this whole event, an emotional roller-coaster ride of sorts, and certainly more exciting than our typical bedtime routine. They seemed to think the lizard was pretty neat, once it was in the jar, and LL must have said the word lizard 100 times at least as I put her to bed moments later.

Baby update: Still waiting! Since LL came 8 days early, I must admit I am kind of surprised to have had no major sign of action just 3 days from our due date. Of course we are trying to be simultaneously patient and ready to head to the (blessedly nearby) hospital at a moment's notice, since surely she will come sometime soon... For the last two days T's been suggesting that I jump around to get things going, so maybe we should just let some more lizards into the house...

We appreciate everyone's prayers in these days of anticipation and wondering, and we'll keep you posted as we have news to share!

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