Monday, August 13, 2007

Big Ideas

AG has been telling me about what she wants to be when she grows up lately, and it's not ever just one thing, or even just two, but a series of interesting jobs, like "singer, nurse, doctor, firefighter" or even more fascinating, "bunny, carrot, doctor, princess, king, queen." I'm glad she's setting lofty goals!

She's also been measuring things lately, and reports statistics like, "You're twenty thousand tall" or "You're leg is twenty four." The other day she told me my nose was "one and a half hours."

Last week her preschool teacher came over to meet her and visit before school starts in a few weeks. And today, just a few hours from now, she will go to her first dance lesson! It seems that as my own social calendar is in a bit of a lull, hers in getting unusually full...although I guess at 3, her social calendar is mine and vice versa! So, in these days of 100+ temps and waiting for the baby to come, we are glad to have some diversions! We'll keep you posted on upcoming events and news...

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