Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fired Up for School!

Last week we officially started school here at our house. Our goal is to do most, if not all, of a semester's work before baby brother arrives. Although I've been doing a few things with AG through the last year, this is what I'd consider our real, intentional beginning to homeschooling with both AG and LL, and I am trying hard to discipline myself to get it all done each day. Getting it done is definitely manageable at this point, if I can resist the strong temptation to postpone AG's Math lesson until after I take an afternoon nap! The girls have adjusted to our new morning schedule pretty well. The hardest thing for me is not turning on the TV while they have breakfast like we had been doing...but remembering how much easier it will be to get our reading done before SJ gets out of bed definitely motivates me to jump right into the books. LL is always so eager to do her "school book" (workbook), which other than the reading aloud is really all she is doing right now. AG has a little heavier load but has had a great attitude and enough energy to inspire me to get past my afternoon lull and keep her busy!

We ended our first week with a field trip to the fire station in our neighborhood, arranged by a friend whose 2.5 year old has been asking to go there for a while. We were glad they invited us to go along; it fit right in with our new routine and was a really fun learning experience!

Here's SJ as we were loading up to go to the fire station. LL saw this and called it "the elephant picture"!

LL in the driver's seat of the fire truck!

AG, LL, and S with the kind firemen who showed us around the station and trucks and answered many questions (mostly from me!).

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