Tuesday, June 30, 2009

22 Months

Yesterday SJ reached the "2 years minus 2 months" mark! She is quite a little busybody these days, as you would expect. This is the exact age LL was when SJ joined us, and I felt sure then that LL comprehended the whole new baby thing pretty well (at least more than AG, then 18 months, did when LL arrived!). So far we haven't done much to try to help SJ understand since we still have 4 more months to go; just last week she first seemed to notice that something was different about my tummy (not that anyone else wouldn't have noticed long before this!) and started saying to me "tummy...'gin!" over and over, as in "I want to see your tummy again!"

Her favorite activities now include using crayons to "coloh-mark!!!" and gathering up lots of "mommy supplies" and baby dolls to take care of. Just this morning she came to the door before our trip to Target, loaded down with a doll, big purse, toy phone, pacifier, cup, bottle, and doll pillow all in her arms and wearing a fancy necklace.

A few more frequently heard words that I forgot on my last list:
"Tank!" (or maybe it sounds more like "denk!")= thank you
"baps"= bath
"huck"= hug (we love this one!)
"hite"= hide
"Hey ____" (a few weeks ago this was followed by "honey" after she overheard someone
use the term of endearment)
"ice pack"- anytime she falls, gets hurt (or even the idea of it) she immediately
starts saying this. Like all her two word phrases, she says the first word completely and clearly, stops, then says the second word.
"dance"- said while spinning in circles. To SJ right now, there' only this one move!

We took this video earlier this month when we discovered this scene in SJ's room at bedtime. As you can tell, even though she's getting older and bigger, she's still our baby! (And she's still pretty easygoing and totally hooked on her thumb and lovie!)

1 comment:

LiBassi Family said...

That is too cute and sweet!