Saturday, July 28, 2007

Three and One-Third (Almost!)

The weeks seem to be flying by, and we are rapidly approaching some pretty big events in our family! What months ago was going to happen "at the end of the summer" is now just weeks away. Next Tuesday we will reach the 36 week mark for this pregnancy, so we truly are now in the homestretch (and I feel that so literally!), and anticipation is building for us all as wel look forward to meeting this new little sister.

Next Thursday AG will be a third of the way past her third birthday, and she will soon be starting some fun new activities just as she reaches a new level of big sisterhood! She's going to be taking dance lessons starting Aug. 13...we signed her up and met her teacher this week, and AG was excited to try on ballet and tap shoes and said she wanted some "that tap really loud." Then just after Labor Day she will start going to preschool three mornings a week... what a big step! We've been talking about this for months and she seems to be looking forward to it, and I am hoping it will be a good thing for us all since it will give her something fun to be a part of as we are adjusting to having a new baby around. But all of this together, combined with the undeniable ways she shows me each day that she is truly entering little girlhood, make me wonder where the time has gone! This is what I found her doing during rest time a few weeks ago: She was "reading" to all her babies, and sometimes I stand at the door and overhear her giving them singing lessons ("Doe a deer" is her favorite and I'm sure the imaginary chorus is beautiful as all the dolls sing it together!).

Here she is rocking away on the horse my Daddy and Grandaddy made before I was born:
And here she is having a picnic with her dolls just yesterday.
She's one of a kind, just like LL, and we are looking forward to seeing just how this new little one fits into the family picture of personalities, too!

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