Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A Fun First...

This morning I took the girls out for a big event...their first movie in a theater. I found out they show kids' movies free during the summer a few mornings a week and figured it was worth a shot, even though I didn't expect to make it through the whole thing due to a certain little sister's still-short attention span. Well, we got there early and waited in a theater full of kids for the big moment (with AG asking all kinds of questions about who starts the movie and if it had started yet)... and finally "Happy Feet" came on and of course captured both AG and LL's complete attention for at least 15 minutes. Then LL started to get a little restless and wanted to get down from my lap, sit in the seat beside me (one of about 2 that was open in the whole room), say "PING-ONE!" repeatedly, rock the seat in front of us, sit on the step in the aisle, play peekaboo with me from behind the armrest, walk up and down the steps, introduce the girl behind us to her baby doll...and so after about 45 minutes I made the pretty obvious call that we'd had enough of the movie and needed to get our own little one with "happy feet" out of there. AG liked it but didn't seem to mind making an early exit. Overall, a pretty successful first try, all things considered!

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