Thursday, February 25, 2010

RL is 4 Months...already!

Tuesday marked a third of a year since RL joined us! Here are a few fun facts.

New skills: holding onto toys, rolled from back to tummy (90%...just needed a nudge for his shoulders)

Most endearing activities: Laughing, cuddling, "talking", flashing big grins, and drooling alot

Newest buddy: Moe, his monkey "lovie" has been riding along in his carseat recently

Preferred activity: Besides sleeping, eating, swinging, and playing on the floor, he can't get enough of staring at the chandelier in the dining room.

Progess in his quest to outgrow his sisters: Officially weighed 16 pounds, 9 ounces and measured 25.5 inches today at his well-check.

Biggest admirers: Three big sisters, his mommy, daddy, and a fan club of grandparents and great-grandparents!

What a charmer!

He is a big hand-chewer...

Waiting for the Dr. this morning

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