Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Spring Fever

We've loved the warm, sunny days this week! I took these Monday afternoon in our backyard. The girls have gotten interested in exploring the "outer limits," as you can see.
Big smiles for spring-like weather!
Our mischievious little elf...
Going up...

LL is a little parrot...she has been imitating so much of what we say for several weeks now and adding so quickly to her vocabulary that I can't keep up. Some additions: plane, monkey (added at the zoo), nose, eyes, cheeks (said while pinching the cheeks of whoever's holding her), ears, flag (she patrols the neighborhood/city for these in the stroller or van), tiger (OK, only a few times, but at least she's acknowledging that not everything is a puppy or bunny now!), bunta (belly button), nightnight!! (said with a smile while waving with her arm stretched all the way up by her ear), and Blankie (finally her other lovie gets some respect after being called "Ellie" for months!).

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