Monday, March 19, 2007

Playtime at Mimi and PawPaw's

Mimi reading AG a Curious George book...
LL mailing a letter with PawPaw...
LL taking a little break to ponder how she can get her hands on...
the "FLAG!" she discovered in Mimi's laundry room, which is now at our house. If I haven't mentioned it before, LL is quite taken with "FLAG!"(s)
and patrols for them everywhere we go, happily announcing everytime her amazing flag-radar spots one. And then it usually takes me several minutes to find it... Anyway, this was her first hands-on experience with one and, even though we need a few more lessons in "flag safety" (or "how to not put your or your sister's eye out with a stick that's fun to wave"), I am sure it will not be her last!
AG helped Mimi get the rice cooking, then stood at the counter and read her mail (one "letter" said, "Cook some rice." Seems like we were right on schedule!) and talked on the "phone" (which looked suspiciously like an unplugged, unattached electrical cord, but it seemed to get good reception!). We also got to visit with the girls' Grandpa and Aunt Nanoo while we were there, which was lots of fun. This day trip to Lafayette on Friday was the start of a busy weekend, so we'll post more pics and news of the rest of the fun soon!

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