Thursday, February 03, 2011

A few things...

It seems a very mean cold virus has invaded our house this week and taken its toll on our four little ones! I am so thankful for a providential doctor visit yesterday leading to unexpected diagnoses and, hopefully, getting us on the path to health again!

Here it is by the numbers:
120- minutes spent waiting or being seen at the pediatrician's office yesterday evening
5- little ears infected
4- runny little noses
100s (1000s?)- congested coughs over the past 5 days
ditto- tissues used
5- bottles of amoxicillin taking up residence in our fridge
60- projected doses of amoxicillin to be administered over the next 10 days
30- breathing treatments to be administered to LL over the next 10 days
???- doses of Motrin, Benadryl, and Mucinex already given or anticipated in the next few days (I'm in no state of mind to do that kind of math right now!)
3- recheck appointments scheduled for next week

I don't mean to complain...really, though this is probably cumulatively the sickest we have ever been at once, I am thankful it's not worse, and for medicine my kids will take happily, and especially for how these times remind us of the blessing of good health almost all the time! We are in Good Hands!

In other news, we are in the process of packing and prepping to move into a new house! Not sure when we'll actually be sleeping there, but the process has started since we closed on Monday. One day (one dose, one math lesson, one box) at a time!


Marcy said...

Congrats on the new house and I hope you all feel better quickly!

Skinner Family said...

I didn't know you were moving? Hope everyone gets to feeling better soon!