Thursday, May 21, 2009

Unexpected Showers

Last night we went to our church community group meeting for the first time in a few months. It is hosted by a wonderful, fun family with 7 kids, and going to hang out with them is a highlight of the typical week for our girls...AG and LL love the whole experience and were so excited all day yesterday just anticipating our evening plans. LL even told our pediatrician, "We're going to community group tonight!" So we got home way after their usual bedtimes and after getting them into their PJ's I decided to put AG and LL in the bathtub just to rinse off their dirty feet. As soon as I turned on the water, rather than coming out the faucet the shower started spraying them, which brought immediate screams and general chaos as they froze under the surprise downpour. Realizing that the shower knob must have been left up all day since T got ready for work that morning, I tried to turn off the water, but it wouldn't go off! Of course I didn't think to just get them out...I was so confused about the unstoppable water flow that I just left them standing there in it, screaming like crazy. T heard the prolonged commotion and came in and after a while was able to turn off the water...turns out that after 40+ years, a gasket in the plumbing system wore out just at the right moment to give AG and LL a good scare and, afterwards, give us all a good laugh!

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