Monday, March 17, 2008

Reading, Eating, and Sliding

LL loves to read. She is not always in the mood to sit through a whole story being read to her, but she is always in the mood to be the one "reading" it. When I suggest that we read a book (with me being the reader), she says "I want to read it to you!" Anyone who's around when she gets the urge to read has the privilege of hearing her tales. Here are just a few of the lucky ones: Apparently bears love Curious George.
She picked PawPaw to share a Clifford story with, and he listened attentively for a LONG time while she went through every page. That day, she also read to cousin Lily, her grandparents, and anyone else who was within view and earshot.

One of her great aunts said maybe she'd be a teacher. She is definitely taking on quite an authoritative tone at times these days, pretending to be the mommy at home and often chattering in her carseat: "Speak to me , AG! We need to cooperate, guys!" Today she kept saying with great emphasis, "No! No! I said No! Don't do that again. It's dangerous. You may poke your eye....Mommy!" It's funny, scary, and humbling to have a little living, breathing mirror parroting back so much of what she hears! The other way she's been entertaining herself in the car is by watching out for "Old McDonald's"...I'm sure she must be confused as to why we sing a song about a farmer with animals but then there's also this place with burgers and fries by the same name!

AG eating her "Noah's Ark" quesadilla...

A few nights ago she way playing in the bathtub and had all the toy animals and mermaids lined up, reading them a story. I heard her say, "And then they got in the tambourine. What is a tambourine? It is a boat that goes under the water!"

Fun at the park

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