Monday, February 04, 2008


Today, I feel sure there is alot of talk going on around the country about Giants. I must say I am glad everyone else is finally catching up, since Giants have been the hot topic of conversation at our house now for at least a month. I don't know what started it, but weeks ago AG and LL started this imaginary game where they'd yell, "A giant is coming!" and then pretend like one was outside the door. Since then, LL has developed a sort of giant-obsession. She talks about them alot and requests reading about Goliath from various Bible story books repeatedly. One day she concluded that "Santa is a giant" after we went by T's workplace, triggering memories of her unfortunate encounter with Santa there back in December.

Anyway, before the Super Bowl yesterday evening I was telling her about the two teams and asked which she hoped would win, the Patriots or the Giants. She look at me and answered, "The Giants" and then matter-of-factly informed me that "They're sweet to me" and "They won't bite me." (This is exactly the same language she uses to remind herself that our friends' dog is harmless when we go visit!) Then as she watched her team run onto the field, she made an assessment I bet no one else watching made: "They're beautiful....they're so beautiful, Daddy!" Maybe we've turned a corner on this whole giant thing...or maybe we've only added to the confusion/fascination for her. Time will tell.

1 comment:

Marcy said...

That is too funny! A seems to be fascinated by the concept of a giant, too -- David & Goliath is one of her favorite Bible stories, as well and she talks about Goliath all the time. Anyway, very cute post...