Thursday, December 06, 2007

Room for Two

Well, I've been meaning to post about the big changes that have taken place at our house recently for a while now, and now that we are 4 nights into our final phase, I think I can do so with some confidence that we have successfully accomplished (by God's grace!) the mission: the big bed swap. Yes, the one that involved LL giving up the crib and transitioning into not only the toddler bed, but into the toddler bed in the "big girl room" previously occupied only by AG. We made that step as soon as we got back from our Thanksgiving trip, and I was not sure what to expect because 1) who knows what LL might do without the confinement of her crib? and 2) who knows how LL and AG will react to sharing a room? The first night we listened for a while outside the door and heard LL chattering away (she was pretty hyped up in the new nighttime surroundings) and AG repeating, "OK, OK, stop talking, close your eyes, go to sleep..." Eventually they fell asleep, and every night since has been some variation of that, often with them both talking, singing, and giggling until we have to tell them to quiet down. It has worked beautifully, and they both seem to be having fun and sleeping well once they go to sleep.

So, with that settled, this week we moved SJ into the "nursery." She's been rooming with us for the last 3 months and I'd been feeding her about every three hours most nights...she'd not had a stretch longer than 4 more than once, for sure. I hoped the separation would help us all sleep at least a little better. Well, her first night in her own room she slept soundly for over 6 hours between feedings, and last night she went 8 hours! This is a record for our family to have baby sleeping through the night at just 3 months. Talk about "nursery magic"! Needless to say, I am thrilled that everyone's sleeping well, for their sakes, and for mine.

And now, to all a goodnight!

1 comment:

Lucy Sayles said...

How adorable! I loved the story of AG and LL sharing a room together - too too sweet!