Monday, October 01, 2007

Cutie Pie Updates

Amazing how fast the days go by here now! I wanted to take a few minutes to record some of the latest funnies from AG and LL before I forget them...

When we say "I love you" to LL, she replies by saying (with unbelievable exuberance!), "I love ME!!!" I just figured out this is not due to toddler narcissism, but the way she's learned to reply to lots of other "you" statements...when we say, "The dog won't hurt you," she replies, "The dog won't hurt me" so why not "I love ME"??

LL's current "most sung" songs are "We are climbing Jacob's Ladder" and "Hush Little Baby..." She gets a little mixed up on the last one and most times if that looking glass should drop, Papa buys another looking glass, and on and on. If at first you don't succeed....

Yesterday as we were strolling through the neighborhood we passed a statue of Mary in someone's yard (these are very common here). LL said, "I see Mary and Christmas!"

One last LL story...tonight she and AG were chasing each other and making lots of noise. T called AG over to the couch and LL came with her. T said, "AG, I already told you..." and LL immediately finished his sentence, perfectly, "not to scream like that." Little mind reader, or do you think we've said that a few times before??

AG came to me last night and told me she'd just come from "work." (She'd actually just finished having supper in the kitchen.) I asked a few questions and found out she works "at Daddy's work" where she "colors" and gets paid "one, 3 moneys... no, one money and one toy"! Not a bad job for a 3 year old!

Both girls have taken to wrestling each other and have some moves that would almost make you think we watch the stuff. But the best one is initiated when AG says "Give me a hug" and then of course LL does, and then it's on to see who can take the other one down.

Watching them is so much gives me some much needed energy some days! Hope y'all are having a good week!

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