Monday, December 11, 2006

A World of Wonder

AG is our little chatterbox...constantly asking questions, giving directions and explaining things as only a two-and-a-half year old can. She loves to be silly and joke around, but then there are the times when she unintentionally cracks us up with her pearls of toddler reasoning. Not to knock it...anyone who's been around a child this age can attest to how clever they are...and occasionally their little minds put things together in a way that is so sensible and yet so unexpected and well, just plain precious. Like Friday night, we'd told AG she could watch "Rudolph" before she went to bed, so all through dinner she kept asking, "Is Rudolphin on yet?" And Sunday morning, as I was getting dressed for church, she rubbed her hand on my panty-hosed foot and asked, "Are these your water hose?" I am both amused and amazed by her ideas...seems like just yesterday she started talking... and we can't wait to hear what she comes out with next!

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