The girls at the zoo on RL's birthday...LL wearing the clown suit my mom made me when I was about her age, and SJ wearing my first dance costume.

Sisterly love!

We never made it to a pumpkin patch, so on Halloween day after church I took a few of the kids in our yard with the pumpkin which became our jack-o-lantern a few hours later...

What's this?

Gotta really check it out...

5 little pumpkins

Sunday afternoon snuggle fest

Trick-or-treating around the neighborhood...notice the costume changes since the previous weekend at the zoo. The original plan AG and LL came up with was to just switch costumes on Halloween so AG could be the clown and LL could be a princess. At the last minute AG decided she wanted to be Pollyanna, so we threw this together using a passed-along dress, hat, and suitcase. Even though very few people, if any, probably knew who she was, it made me so happy!

So that's a wrap on our October...finally!
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