Official weight at well-check on Oct. 29: 20 pounds, 11 ounces. I had hoped he'd be at least 20 pounds, but wasn't sure. He's loving his new view as he faces forward in his carseat!
He's cut two more teeth in the last week, top and bottom "partners", to complete the front four on top and bottom now. Several people have commented lately, "Look at those teeth!"
Last Thursday he took about 5 steps without holding onto anything! This was sort of sudden, and has only happened once or twice since then. I wouldn't say he's really even cruising much, but he's getting better at balancing and when the mood strikes, he'll get his feet moving.
Last night at bedtime he very suddenly said, "Nigh nigh" and I am so glad AG was there with me to hear it or else I might have thought I imagined it! When we brought him out of his room to see if he'd sat it again to T and the other girls, he looked a little baffled and reverted to the sweet goodnight wave he's been doing the last few weeks. He's doing a ton of pointing and very deliberate babbling, but "Ligh" is still his only consistent word.
He'll sit still for a short book or two sometimes, but he really dislikes being held back, especially to be dressed. He can make some of the loudest protest noises I've ever heard!
He likes his new swing:

He'll drink from a cup pretty well at times, but often holds it upside down.

He's a mess, but such a fun one!

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