Last week we took a little field trip to the N.O. Aquarium. T decided last minute to go along, and I must have given thanks 2 dozen times that he did. We met a few friends from our co-op there, but I don't know how I would have gotten the kids in and out and made the drive home by myself. We had a great time; the girls loved it and it was especially cool for AG since her co-op science class has been studying aquatic animals this fall.
In other news, RL has totally taken off with walking since the beginnning of the month. At Thanksgiving, he was taking 4-5 steps occasionally, but he was still primarily a crawler. In the last few weeks he's started wobble-walking all over the place, and when he loses his balance, he gets back up and walks more instead of just crawling. It's easy to see how proud he is of himself! Hope I can get some good video of it soon!
He surprised me one night after his bath. I was putting some things away in his room while he played on the floor, and when I turned around this is what I saw:
We've never put him on the bouncy zebra before, but he figured it out and did it himself!
He also got his first haircut while we were at Nana and Grandpa's for Thanksgiving... and I have got a lot to learn about trimming boy hair! It automatically made him look so much older and I think he looks so cute, but it's a good thing there are not any close-up shots of it.
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