We've had a busy few weeks, by our standards! Haven't uploaded photos recently, so here are a few from several weeks back. The day after AG's birthday party we had our church crawfish boil. T took LL because I took AG (and SJ) to a friend's ballerina princess tea party beforehand. When I arrived at the boil, this is what I found:

LL and the other little ones had been playing with a few unlucky crawfish...let's just say I don't think these made it into the boiling pot! Then later she fell into a huge mud puddle and was covered with black mud and had to wear a little boy's extra clothes home. So later that evening we had an interesting bath time, trying to get the glitter and makeup from the princess party off of AG and trying to scrub the mud off LL, all at the same time!
This is what the girls have been doing daily for the last two weeks:
They LOVE the new swingset and we've been spending tons of time outside enjoying it on these wonderful Spring days.
More to come soon... Have a great week!
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