Last week, we were invited to AG's school for the annual art show. Each student had several pieces on display, transforming the school rooms into a beautiful gallery. Each class had learned about one of the "masters" and then each child had created their version of one of the master's famous works. Here are T and AG with her take on a piece by Georgia O'Keefe (the one to the right of the top of T's head):

Her class also made these cute sunflowers. Of course her little sisters were along to enjoy the fun, eye-catching artwork, too!

After seeing it all, we hung around for a little "refreshment on the patio"...

SJ was happy in her stroller, blissfully unaware, again, that she was missing out on CAKE!

AG and LL gobbled their cake up with enough time left for some playing around with the other kids before it was time to go home.
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