The weather here over the last month has been wonderful...the kind of perfectly cool/warm Spring days when you just can't stay inside. We've all enjoyed getting out and playing in the yard, having meals on the patio, picking up sticks...whatever we can just to soak in the sun and the breezes before the temperature creeps into the 90s, as it's sure to do soon.
Last week we did a little "gardening" out front...if it can be called that! My version of gardening these days is just scratching up some dirt (in an area that I hope will eventually be a nice bed to border our porch) and sprinkling in a few packets of flower seeds with a bit of hope and a prayer that maybe, just maybe, in a few months something will bloom. Whatever happens, it was worthwhile just for the fun of watching the girls dig in the dirt!

LL is showing that she is "everywoman"...not just a mommy, or a gardener, but she can do it all at once, and while wearing high heels, no less!
SJ likes the outdoor "baby" swing, which wasn't seeing much action since the swing set came to our yard. I think she will keep it in business for another few years!

I took these pictures trying to capture how her growing hair blows in the breeze while she I realize that you can't really tell if it's the breeze or just her usual wild style!

AG and LL made this "red berry soup" together. They love to cook things up using ingredients fresh from the yard...sticks, rocks, leaves, grass, berries, sawdust from T's latest project... whatever they can find. Of course everything, even the salads, has to be cooked in the imaginary outdoor oven.
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