The girls' first pallet party! They asked to do this, and I expected it would last all of half an hour before we or they decided it was back to their beds. I was shocked when they all went to sleep within minutes of lights-out and we didn't hear a peep all night!
The girls still love dressing up, and they always have a "game" going where they are acting out their own stories and interesting characters. Not sure what the game was this day, but the photo is notable because it was taken the afternoon SJ fell off a parked truck right on the top of her (already scarred) forehead. It hurt, of course, (not to mention totally panicked me in the moment) but after watching her all afternoon we felt pretty sure there was no major injury. However, the next morning she woke up with a serious black-eye that, at its peak, made her appear to have been in a fistfight. You can see the beginning of it, just a little puff and color, if you look closely.
RL occasionally sits still long enough to do a puzzle...
The weekend before our beach trip we went to see Gran and PopPop. It was a fun summer visit...including homemade ice cream!
SJ and Gran had it made in the shade while the other girls went on an adventure with PopPop.
RL is always scouting for a new pair of shoes.
Our little amigo
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