AG will be 7.5 in just a few weeks, so we've been wondering for quite some time just when she'd discover a wiggly tooth. She didn't cut her first tooth (actually two in one day...the day of her first birthday party!) until a week before she turned 1, so we knew it might take a while. Well, it finally happened on the way home from Gran and PopPop's back in mid-August...a loose one was detected! After three full weeks of suspense about when, and how, it would come out, and neither T nor I wanting to pull it too soon (but totally unsure of how to tell if it was actually too soon...), on Sept. 4 it came out on its own...well, with a little help from the recorder she was playing at the time! She was cool as could be about it and the tooth fairy paid her first visit that night (even though AG made sure I knew she knew it was a game, she played along for her sisters' sakes!).

Did I mention that the 2nd loose tooth was discovered immediately upon the loss of the first? Yes, the other bottom middle one was definitely wiggling. Not a surprise, I guess, since the two came in the same day. It got really loose really quickly, but AG could not be convinced to let T pull it or to pull it herself before bedtime on Labor Day.

So she made it through the night with it still hanging in there and we walked to the park to enjoy the wonderful cool spell we had last week.

And then, during a snack break, AG ran over to me and had lost the second one! Two in less than 48 hours!

The tooth fairy came again, but as T and I thought about it later, we realized that this is just the start of a lot of tooth-losing at our house over the years to come. I feel sure the tooth fairy will not be able to maintain the same pay rate for every tooth!
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