We've been planning all along to move SJ into the room with AG and LL at some point in the next few months, but we made a quick decision to do it over the weekend. This was mainly motivated by a near-sleepless night due to a certain little roommate of ours that seemed to have been in the midst of a growth spurt and wanted to eat every hour. We decided it was time to have the crib available for the little guy so that we can get him in his own room ASAP, so SJ graduated up to the toddler bed in the "big girl" room. I'd talked to her about starting to sleep in there a few times, and she seemed excited. After we told her she would be moving that night, she ran around saying, "Sleep! Big girl bed!" AG and LL were excited to welcome SJ into their room. Here are some pics of the three girls in SJ's bed in their new pj's (which we afterwards decided were to cozy for that night...it's still pretty warm here).



T and I went in to take a peek later on and this is what we found...

We've had to work with AG and LL on leaving the room quietly in the mornings so they don't wake SJ (a late sleeper) up, and one night SJ woke up and had trouble going back to sleep and was being noisy and keeping AG and LL awake in the wee hours of the morning, so we put her back in the crib to finish the night. But all in all, after 4 nights the transition seems to have gone pretty smoothly. Hopefully by Thanksgiving we can "depink" the nursery and have it ready for RL to move in!
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