A few days ago I was able to catch a few smiles as he slept...

At his 2 week check-up on Friday, RL weighed 8 lbs 11 oz (over a pound more than his birth weight!) and measured 20.5 inches. One of the sweetest sibling moments since he came took place unexpectedly during the appointment. I'd taken all the girls along, and when the nurse came in to give RL one vaccine, LL began to cry and say, "I don't want him to get a stick!" AG got a little teary-eyed, too. I hadn't even thought about how seeing him get a shot would affect them, but it was really sweet to see them have such compassion for him and thankfully he (and they) calmed down quickly.
14 days old!

1 comment:
He looks just like all your girls for different reasons! Wow!
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