Saturday, August 29, 2009

Two Years Old!

Today is SJ's 2nd birthday and what a fun and busy day it was! As far as her festivities, we kept it simple but tried to do a few special things to mark the occasion. She woke up this morning knowing she was headed for a birthday outing to the zoo and was ready to see the animals, especially the elephants. She is proud to announce, "I two!" when asked how old she is now!

Here are a few views of the birthday girl throughout her big day.

Rolling along at the zoo. She looks so big!

Visiting with the giraffes

Climbing the steps to the slide

Getting a hand from AG on her first trip across the bridge...LL busy in the background

Sliding with her proud big sister

Back at home, opening presents...once again assisted by her sisters! Are you noticing a theme here? It's a wonder she can do anything on her own :)

Trying out her new microphone

Sharing her new crayons and coloring book with AG and LL

Ready for birthday dessert tonight after supper

A new twist on "cake"...fruit pizza! Since it was just the five of us, I didn't want to have a whole cake around. She blew out her candles (again, with two helpers!) and was perfectly content with the alternative!

"Gone gone...more bite!" Her way of asking for seconds...maybe tomorrow!

While SJ napped this afternoon, I took AG and LL to a friend's birthday party, so we had even more celebrating to do and not a minute of rest time. It was a really fun day and we had three tired girls ready to sleep tonight. Make that four...I definitely fall into that category myself right now, come to think of it! I'll post more after her check-up on Monday with some stats and current SJisms I'll want to remember.

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