AG and LL surveying the scene just after we arrived

We brought along some sandwiches and snacks, which turned out to be a fun diversion since we had a little extra time to wait before they started inflating the balloons. T had come home from a grocery trip with these huge cheese puffs, and the girls, usually deprived of such things, gobbled them up!

The "firey" noise of the balloons inflating scared LL a little at first...she's always been bothered by weird noises. Thankfully there was a Daddy there to happily comfort her! She's gotten so tall this summer, steadily closing the height gap between her and AG.

Me and my girls, and a peek at (part of) the 28 week tummy!

A few of the many balloons glowing at twilight. The girls' favorite was the "twinkle burn" when the balloons all randomly flicker like a pinball machine. Since then we've had a lot of countdowns ending with "tinka burn!!!" squealed by SJ.

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