Saturday, August 29, 2009

Two Years Old!

Today is SJ's 2nd birthday and what a fun and busy day it was! As far as her festivities, we kept it simple but tried to do a few special things to mark the occasion. She woke up this morning knowing she was headed for a birthday outing to the zoo and was ready to see the animals, especially the elephants. She is proud to announce, "I two!" when asked how old she is now!

Here are a few views of the birthday girl throughout her big day.

Rolling along at the zoo. She looks so big!

Visiting with the giraffes

Climbing the steps to the slide

Getting a hand from AG on her first trip across the bridge...LL busy in the background

Sliding with her proud big sister

Back at home, opening presents...once again assisted by her sisters! Are you noticing a theme here? It's a wonder she can do anything on her own :)

Trying out her new microphone

Sharing her new crayons and coloring book with AG and LL

Ready for birthday dessert tonight after supper

A new twist on "cake"...fruit pizza! Since it was just the five of us, I didn't want to have a whole cake around. She blew out her candles (again, with two helpers!) and was perfectly content with the alternative!

"Gone gone...more bite!" Her way of asking for seconds...maybe tomorrow!

While SJ napped this afternoon, I took AG and LL to a friend's birthday party, so we had even more celebrating to do and not a minute of rest time. It was a really fun day and we had three tired girls ready to sleep tonight. Make that four...I definitely fall into that category myself right now, come to think of it! I'll post more after her check-up on Monday with some stats and current SJisms I'll want to remember.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Life at our House

Now that summer is almost gone, it seems like our anticipated due date and baby boy's arrival is just around the corner. Last Friday I took all three girls with me to my doctor's appointment and following a fairly lengthy wait, they were rewarded by getting to help hold the Doppler as we listened to their baby brother's heartbeat! It was a moment worth remembering, for sure, and they were all so excited to have a hands on part in it.

Schooling here at home continues; we just finished our 11th week and have gotten into a routine which works out most days. AG and LL are usually eager to read the good books and get to work for short spans, and SJ helps out by happily playing and coloring (when she is awake!). It's funny when I think about our summer; seems like it's been the most unusual and regular summer of my life all at the same time. Definitely not filled with lots of big exciting trips or events, but with a nice daily routine of some work and some play that was really enjoyable overall. I am defintely looking forward to cooler temperatures more than ever this year, I think, and it'll be nice to have a break from our routine, however enjoyable, after baby boy arrives!

Here are a few photos of what we've been up to...
SJ has gotten into a routine of wrapping up in her towel and immediately going to find T after her bath.

Playdoh for three...

Smoothies are still a big hit...

as are wacky costume combinations!

Last weekend we had back-to-back movie nights and watched "The Music Man"...AG and LL liked the show, and SJ reeeeally liked the popcorn!

We're working on potty training with SJ, and one night T remembered a video we used to show AG before we moved..."Once Upon a Potty." So we found it and watched it with the girls; hopefully between the video, occasional chocolate chips, and lots of cheering from all of us when she is successful, SJ will decide she prefers this new deal to diapers. We'll would be huge if for the first time we only had one in diapers! If it doesn't happen before the baby arrives, I have a feeling it might be a while longer...

Another Fun Visit

After our Saturday visit from Nana and Grandpa, we had a Monday visit from Gran and PopPop. They came early and gave me a chance to have a lunch date with T while they hung out with the girls, then later we went out for beignets. I got no beignet shots this time...maybe they disappeared too fast or maybe I was too distracted doing my part to make them disappear, but here are G and PP with the girls afterward.

PopPop coloring with the girls

We love having our families come to town! Thanks to all for making the trip!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Nana's Sprinkler Park

A few weeks ago T's parents came by for a short but sweet visit on a Saturday afternoon, and Nana gave the girls a good spray down with the hose! They loved it, and I especially loved SJ's "water face"...that mixture of anticipation, shock, and delight at being all wet!

Great idea, Nana! Thanks!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


A few weekends ago, we made a return trip to a fun local summer event we discovered last year...a hot-air balloon festival. The weather here was weird that week: some rain, but way more distant rumbles of thunder which seemed harmless, but apparently are potentially threatening enough to require the evacuation of the Y's swimming pool (booo!) and keep hot-air balloons grounded. So, unfortunately the planned balloon ascension we'd hoped to see didn't happen, but the weather cleared in time for the parachuters to jump and the balloons to inflate that evening for the glow. It was a slightly soggy but fun time! You'll notice I'm sharing way more photos of the girls than the balloons, because the balloons didn't get going til dusk/dark and the girls are way cuter, anyway!

AG and LL surveying the scene just after we arrived

We brought along some sandwiches and snacks, which turned out to be a fun diversion since we had a little extra time to wait before they started inflating the balloons. T had come home from a grocery trip with these huge cheese puffs, and the girls, usually deprived of such things, gobbled them up!

The "firey" noise of the balloons inflating scared LL a little at first...she's always been bothered by weird noises. Thankfully there was a Daddy there to happily comfort her! She's gotten so tall this summer, steadily closing the height gap between her and AG.

Me and my girls, and a peek at (part of) the 28 week tummy!

A few of the many balloons glowing at twilight. The girls' favorite was the "twinkle burn" when the balloons all randomly flicker like a pinball machine. Since then we've had a lot of countdowns ending with "tinka burn!!!" squealed by SJ.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Raleigh Getaway

Last Thursday SJ and I flew to Raleigh, NC, for a few days with my friend, E, and her family. E and her husband J have a 13 year old daughter and a newly-turned 2 year old, and they are such a fun and sweet family. We had a great time hanging out at their house while the little ones played and exploring a few of Raleigh's kid-friendly outings. I am sad that I didn't get a family photo of them or even one of me and E...but when you see some of pictures I did take, you'll know why...we had a busy pair of toddlers on our hands!

The afternoon we arrived we made a stop for lunch and a quick trip into the grocery store, complete with a cart the girls could "drive" and balloons to take home!

The second day we took a morning walk around a lake and spent lots of time watching and feeding the DUCKS! SJ was fascinated with them, but probably just as much with tearing off pieces of bread and dropping them of the bridge.

Saturday we went to Pullen Park to ride the train,

have an ice cream treat,

explore nature, (E examining a caterpillar with the girls)

consider future career paths,

take a little swing,

and ride the carousel. Whew!

Sunday morning we left Raleigh on an early flight, then got delayed in Baltimore for about 1.5 hours. We had boarded before learning that weather issues prevented our takeoff, so it was an interesting little endeavor to keep SJ busy for that long in such a cramped little area. Thankfully we were on the front row and she could sit on the floor to play and color. Just before takeoff, she had sat on my lap, turned toward me and said, "Snuggle Mommy" then fell fast asleep and napped the whole first half of the flight! Since she almost never sleeps anywhere but her bed, certainly not ON me, this special treat for me made the delay worthwhile!

We made it back and were greeted at the airport by T, AG, LL, Nana and Grandpa. It's great to go on adventures, and it's great to come back home!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Carousel and Ice Cream

After swim lessons, the girls and I happened upon a fun event that we ended up getting to enjoy a few weeks in a row: Mondays at the mall for free carousel rides and ice cream! It took me a few times to figure out how to easily situate all of them on the carousel, but the last time we went I remembered to take along my camera and even managed to take a few pictures!

Visiting at Mimi and PawPaw's

A few weeks ago we had a Saturday visit with Mimi and PawPaw. The girls had a great time playing with the familiar toys, reading with Mimi and PawPaw, having lunch, and catching up with Aunt Nanoo. It was a fun day!

AG tries on all 10 of the cute finger puppets Nanoo gave the girls...

PawPaw and LL reading an Ariel story together...

AG always loves to read with Mimi...

A sleepy SJ cuddles with Nanoo...