SJ got her first real haircut yesterday! I'd trimmed the front twice to keep it out ofher eyes and the back once, just a tiny bit, but it had gotten wild so we decided it was time for a trip to the pros. And would you believe I forgot my camera? So sad! She looked so cute sitting on my lap in the little blue and yellow cape. I thought she might be afraid since the last times we went to the doctor and tried to have her foot measured at the shoe store she went nuts, but she didn't fuss at all! She just looked at her book and occasionally checked herself out in the mirror.
Here's what we'll call a before photo, taken at LL's Valentine party last Friday. I think you can tell how long and crazy it was in the was past her shoulders and pretty stringy.

And after:

Short but much neater!

She likes to sit on whatever happens to be the right height...this weekend it was a paint can on our kitchen floor, and yesterday the diaper box I'd just brought in.

And a random one of AG and LL taken over the weekend. They had a really good time playing together for long stretches without too many squabbles, as T and I both noticed!
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