This proves my point and cracks me up everytime I think about it. We went to ride the carousel earlier this week (more photos in the next post)and this time SJ was finally big enough for me to hold her up so she could ride. My mom took this photo to record SJ's first carousel ride, and right after she took it I realized SJ had a book in each hand! The girl never wants to let them go!

Just this week she has gotten into sitting in the little white rocker (which was her PopPop's back when he was little enough to sit in it!) to look at her books. It's a challenge for her to balance, especially with two books and a doll to hold!

This is easier...just one book so she can actually turn the pages!

Sometimes she backs the chair up into a little space between the other furniture. This time she had convinced PopPop to put her blanket sleeper halfway on her. She walked around that morning with the legs of the sleeper dragging behind her like two tails...silly girl!

It's so fun to see her interests developing. Her sisters definitely liked/like books alot, but I would say, comparatively, at this point SJ has a passion for them! It will be interesting to see where this goes...
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