The Friday before Thanksgiving, we all went to LL's Thanksgiving Feast. The kids sit in a circle with their class in the gym, some dressed as Indians and others Pilgrims, and do a little program of songs they've learned. LL has been singing lots of them at home for weeks already! Here she is with some of her friends.

T came from work and the girls were glad to see him!

Our little Indian with her feathered headband. (Didn't little Indian girls wear bows?)

The Friday night before Thanksgiving, we got to go to a very special event: the "Sweet 16" party of a friend from church. K is one of the girls' favorite babysitters, and we'd been looking forward to her party. The girls got dressed up and we stayed out waaaay past their bedtimes (even SJ hung in there with us!). I didn't get very many photos, unfortunately. To sum it up it was a really fun night for us all, and the girls felt very special, getting to dance with their Daddy and hang out with lots of "big girls" and some their age, too!
Here's LL sitting with one of her other favorite older friends, BK, completely surrounded by teenage girls. At the end of the night I asked her what her favorite thing had been, and she said, "Dancing with BK...she shared her sandwich with me."

T and AG took a spin around the dance floor.

I'll post more about our Thansgiving trip soon.
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