AG and LL helped make these cinnamon applesauce ornaments a few weeks ago. They had fun doing it, but then had to be so patient for the next week while they dried! LL kept asking "When will the cookies be ready?" Even though I explained what they were, I think she was convinced they were to eat!

We haven't been walking much lately since it gets dark so early, but one day we ventured out. AG wanted to model the cat hat that SJ refused to wear!

The annual "Breakfast with Santa" event at T's work was the first Saturday of the month. Even though we don't do "Santa" at our house, this is the one Santa-themed activity we take part in. This year LL was happy to visit with Santa but the only thing she'd say she wanted, despite our prepping her for his question, was a candy cane...just what she'd told us, too. Easy to please, that girl! That was one wish he was able to fulfill on the spot! AG had asked me if she could tell him two things, and she said she wanted a robe and some clip earrings. SJ was the crier this year, so she stayed with me!

AG and LL decorating our tree...

SJ "helped" a little, too! Actually, her main contribution to the tree has been not touching it very much at all, which has surprised and pleased me!

Our church Christmas party was last Sunday afternoon at a family's house in the country. T went along with some of the kids (AG and LL included)on a Kubota ride!

We constructed our first gingerbread house on Monday. It was so much fun!

The girls loved decorating it extravagantly with the candy.

By the time we were done, LL was practically giddy. She kept kissing the candy on the roof and when I asked why, she said, "Because I love it so much!"

Not surprisingly, more than a few candies are disappearing each day!

Hope your holiday preparations, of home and heart, are enjoyable in these special days of anticipation!
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