Just a few days in the life of a preschooler! AG's activities keep us all busy many days! A few weeks ago I took all the girls to meet her class at the fire station. She got to go inside a fire truck and even squirt the hose!

AG and stroller-bound LL hanging out in the midst of classmates, other moms, and younger siblings...

AG got to fully participate in the Mardi Gras parade at school this year (last year this was the event we checked out when thinking about enrolling her). Here she is sitting along the parade route, repeatedly mouthing the words, "Throw me something!" By the end of the parade her bag was overflowing!

She also got to ride in a wagon "float" and throw candy out to the other kids.

LL enjoyed filling a cup with things that were thrown to us and then throwing them right back out onto the floor. This little game kept her, me, and the lady beside us busy for over an hour!
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