Well, yesterday was nice, especially since it meant T got to be home with us an extra day. But certainly the most significant Labor Day for our family happened 6 days ago, when SJ came to join us on her due date! August 29 the contractions started at just before 5 a.m. and she was born just before 3 p.m. It wasn't the "quick and easy" delivery I wondered if it might be, but thankfully, she was born safely and is healthy, and we rejoice to have her here with us! She shares a birthday with her maternal great-grandmother and T's beloved aunt Camille, who said she was praying for contractions that day so she'd have a new birthday buddy! She was given two special names... S is a family name from generations back in T's mom's mother's family, and J is T's mom's middle name.

Here we are with her in the delivery room right after her initial "check-up"...

Here is her first introduction to her two big sisters:

LL is really interested in "baby S" and loves to kiss and "hug" her.

Do you think AG is proud? She is taking her role very seriously!

Welcome home, SJ! We are so glad you are here!
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