Well, here you see that LL keeps us rolling in more ways than one! Even though AG can ride by herself, sometimes a little sister just wants to lend a hand!

A few nights ago we went into the dining room to discover the above scene... LL was sitting at the table, where T's books were spread out, and she announced, "Look, Daddy...I'm studying!" A little engineer in the making? We'll see! If that doesn't work out she could almost certainly make it as an entertainer... she continues to make us laugh with her funny words and ways. Most of what she says now is in complete sentences, and there doesn't seem to be much she can't communicate clearly. I am amazed daily by what she soaks up and remembers and repeats... just this morning as we drove home she said, "The wise men...told baby Jesus...happy birthday!" Yesterday we all went out for a walk and as we passed a neighbor who was unloading groceries in her driveway, LL looked down at her own shirt and said, "Look! I have a pretty dress!" Tonight she got AG's backpack, put on my tennis shoes, and went to the door with a set of toy keys and said, "Go to school! I'm ready!" When she's not putting together and saying every thought that crosses her mind, she's singing the dozens of songs she knows, and I think her little flat, raspy singing voice is the sweetest I've heard in quite a while as she belts out her one-of-a-kind medleys!

She's been wearing this beret around and likes to pull it down over her eyes and run through the house. Today she put it on to sit down and color...talk about abstract art!

LL cracks me up!
reminds me of someone i remember being fond of berets!!
aunt jess
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