Saturday, August 11, 2007

Doodle Bug, Big Sister Lessons, etc...

Here's AG with a picture of flowers she drew this week. She wanted to put it in a frame, so it now holds a place of honor on the counter in her bathroom (her chosen spot!).
Another day, she drew a big circle on her doodle board and said, "This is your tummy" (to me, of was a pretty big round oval!) Then she drew the baby inside, with arms, and my head, neck, and legs. Here's the finished work...(looks familiar to me!):

There's been alot of talk this week from AG about when and why babies need bibs, pacifiers, car seats, etc. Here she is giving LL lessons on how to be a big sister to a little baby:

And here's one of LL being the caretaker of one of her babies...Got milk?

*OK, when I wrote that earlier I was referring to her milky "soul patch," but now as take a second look at the picture I realized that, based on the doll's positioning, you could be taking my question another way... Anyway...

Hope y'all are having a good Saturday afternoon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love this little smile LL flashes!!