Saturday, August 11, 2007

Weekend Update

On Thursday, T's mom came to spend the day and night with us and graciously provided some "Nanacare" for the girls which was much appreciated by T and me and much enjoyed by AG and LL! That morning I went out for a pedicure (which is a treat anytime, but at 8.5 months pregnant, it's surely one of the most enjoyable and NEEDED types of pampering possible!). Then that night, T and I were treated to a night of babysitting and a wonderful dinner out. A pedicure and date night within 12 hours? Somebody pinch me! These are a few pictures Nana took before we went out.
Notice that AG can comfortably sit on my tummy with some room to spare!
The girls were not sad to see us leave that night, if they even noticed, as they were watching the Mary Martin version of Peter Pan with Nana. AG has not stopped talking about it since then and gives glowing reviews of it all, along with a pretty thorough explanation of how this movie differs from the Peter Pan book she's read at Nana's and the animated version she watched there before. AG seems to like the fact that Captain Hook was not at all scary in the older movie, although LL has been going around all day saying, "Captain Hook...mean guy!" and while playing her little animal sound game she said, "Alligator say...tick tock!"

This is the scene T came inside to find after spending a few hours working on the yard this a.m.:

He's not usually one to spot a photo op and grab the camera, but he couldn't pass this up! Needless to say, it was a lazy Saturday morning for 3 (or 4?) members of our family! He got a little time to relax with the girls later, too:
We're trying to get a few things done, but mostly just enjoying these last days before things get kicked up a few notches around here when a certain little someone arrives!

Hope you all are having a relaxing and fun weekend, too!

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