Spontaneous dance party underway...
RL got into the hats that night...
and everybody ended up in mouse ears!
We went to the zoo on March 10 for T's company's spring picnic. What could make a beautiful day at the zoo even better? Crawfish, ice cream, and train rides for all! I think this was the first time RL has ridden a train since he was old enough to know it. He was speechless.
Feeding the turtles
Happy in the huge hippo
Back home, SJ catches another lizard. I can't stop taking pics every time she catches one...I am just so amazed!
Way back in February the girls gave me a handwritten invitation (from all three of them and their "dollies") to a tea party in their room to be held on March 14 at 2:30p.m. I accepted with pleasure and put it on my calendar. They did not forget. They woke up that morning and dressed for the occasion. And as the time approached they spent a good half-hour or so in the kitchen with the door closed and (since I was distracted by a phone call) even used the toaster oven to cook something without so much as a peek or a question from me (a totally unprecendented experience). What they intended to be chocolate chip muffins (made from scratch with no recipe) turned out to be baked chocolate chip dip (because they also used no Pam), but no problem because we were using Thin Mints as dippers! It was a super-sweet party...they had even made gifts for me and let RL join in, too. Here are the hostesses!
And SA was there, too, though he did not try the dip.
SA likes the exersaucer sometimes, and I think it was around this time that his hair started standing up all time...love it.
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