T and his four helpers!

SA at 5 months (a month ago!)

AG and SA

He loves his thumb.

SJ's half-birthday date with her Daddy. They celebrated 4.5 with dinner at IHOP and a trip to the bookstore.

Our sweet "foh"-and-a-half year old!

Have I mentioned she is a fearless lizard-catcher? This is a wonderful gift when T's not home and one shows up inside. It was one of the first times I thought, "Can this really be MY child?" I am so proud of her!

RL in one of his last recorded moments with Ralph. A few days after this, I spontaneously suggested Ralph had gone on vacation one night at bedtime, and he has yet to return...I don't think he's coming back. And RL has done great with it...now he has "monkey/George" and "tiger" (which he caught from the "mardi drop truck")to snuggle with at night.

SA at the park on March 8, after his ENT appointment in NOLA revealed his throat "bump" was gone and no surgery would be needed! So thankful for that!

LL to SJ after her date at IHOP: "I bet that pancake was really good...let me smell your breath again!"
SJ, looking at the tag on her size small nightgown: "This gown is for S-year-olds."
LL, dressed-up and playing Little House, to me, with a very proper-sounding accent: "Mrs. J, I'm Mary Power, a friend of Laura Ingalls. Where should I park my horse?"
AG, all in one day, a Sunday:
on the way home from church, after T commented on her writing "I like God" in cursive during church: "I would have written "I love God" but I don't know v yet."
to me, with a tired voice,while searching for shoes, any shoes, that would work for her: "Shoe-shopping is hard."
on the way home, after I mentioned baths would be taken when we got home: "Mary and Laura only took a bath once a week."