AG discovered, on her fourth beach trip, the fun of actually getting into the water at the beach and letting the waves push her around a little. A big step for our cautious firstborn!
LL continued to pursue an assortment of creatures at the beach, never sitting still for more than a minute. After our first beach visit, as we all trudged through the sand tired and hot and loaded with gear, I turned around to see that LL had picked up a weary SJ who'd been straggling behind and was carrying her homeward.
SJ is a brave one on the waterslides. She was zipping down time after time, head first, backwards...she gave T and Grandpa a workout as "catchers."
RL liked to dig in the sand and fill up buckets, but he took a while to warm up to the water at the beach and pools. He was pretty content to sit on a familiar lap in water a few inches deep and maybe splash in a little fountain or wave the first few days. I got alot of really good koala bear-like hugs taking him out into the deeper water!
T, the crab-hunter! After half a dozen beach trips, I should probably have picked up on his interest in capturing the creatures and gotten him a net...but maybe part of the fun is the challenge of not having the right equipment.
The first catch now freed from the bucket and taking a defensive stance as I approached with the camera as if to say, "Back off, lady...I've had more than enough human contact today and I'm catching the first good wave out of here!"
Someone else caught a starfish and brought it over for the girls to see!
Funny I was walking back to the room with RL one night, I ran into my aunt, uncle, cousin, and his son! We didn't know they were there and it was such a fun surprise! We went to visit them that night and our kids had a great time playing with their cousin D. We look forward to meeting his baby brother, who was sound asleep while we were there.
RL waving "bye bye" to crab #2.
Notice the little wheel on the back of the wooden lounge chair? I didn't either that day, until RL suddenly started calling the chair a "tuck" (truck!).
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