The last few months have seen her start music lessons, learn to read, and enjoy getting to "present" to her CC class. At home she is quick to offer her little brother a helping hand or a word or act of comfort or kindness when he needs it. She can easily outdo me when it comes to the memory work they are learning, and she is within centimeters of catching up with her big sister's height. But she still clings to her lovies with unwavering affection, though they now show close to 5 years wear, and she would be quick to tell you that the currency of choice here is often "Daddy snuggles"!
T is finishing up the Narnia series with them again, and LL requested a "Narnia party" a few months back. We did our best, though my creativity is lacking and Narnia items are hard to find since the L, W, and W movie is as old as LL is. But it was a fun day, and she was pleased. Here's a peek at LL's birthday festivities:
She opened her gifts from us that morning and was so happy to unwrap her own Bible, which she'd wished for out loud in previous weeks! She also got a couple of Narnia books on tape, and as she said tonight, "I can't stop listening to this story!"

A drill can come in handy in the most unexpected situations...

5 little princesses of Narnia...

The birthday girl and her big sister

SJ applied lipgloss non-stop!

I planned a balloon-popping game, not realizing that LL's toddlerhood wariness of loud noises would be unexpectedly revisited! She kept her distance and let her friends do all the popping...

The cake. Not exactly Cair Paravel, but it didn't fall apart :) We had "Aslan" standing nearby...though he didn't get in the photo. He was a little heavy for the top of the castle.

All the kids (and Gran holding RL) after singing Happy Birthday to LL

No turret was left standing. SJ said later, "I like turrets!"

RL enjoyed the party, too. Little did he know that right after LL's party he'd have one of his own...but more about that soon!

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