RL was noticeably low-key throughout the evening, and T and I commented on how he looked sleepy. I didn't realize til we got home that he had a few degrees of fever. Apparently it was the beginning of a little fever virus which ran its course over the next few days, but thankfully he is now once again a happy little guy.

The girls taking a little rest. It's funny...I looked back at our photos from our first year coming to this (2008) and AG was wearing the very same outfit SJ has on this year! SJ was not even a year old back then, so she's been to this event every year of her life.

It was neat to be in the middle of a growing forest of balloons when they began to inflate before the glow. Here are the 6 of us, ready for the show.

RL was pretty interested in the balloons despite his not feeling well.

T and our sweet SJ

Countdown and twinkle burn!
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