Last weekend we went on a little road trip and spent all day Saturday visiting a collection of dear friends who now live in the same area. First stop was a family from our church here that moved last year. The girls had a great time feeding the many "pet" birds in the aviary they inherited from their home's previous owners and playing with the classic toys S pulled out from storage which belonged to her now-teenaged daughters. We had a great visit over lunch before heading over to our next stop, my college roommate K's house. K and I figured out we haven't seen each other in two years, so it was lots of fun to see her house and catch up, and the girls had so much fun playing with K's jewelry and checking out her extensive collection of books and movies. We had to tear them away from watching a Beatrix Potter ballet DVD or else we never would have left!

From there we went to visit my RTS roommate, C, and her husband J and their almost 4 month old precious baby girl, A. It is really unbelievable to me that C and I have not seen one another since her wedding day, 9 years ago! We lived together for 2.5 of the most stretching, exciting years of our lives, and thankfully we've been keeping up regularly by email for the last few years through what has been an amazing journey for her through major health issues into motherhood at last! It was wonderful to sit down face to face with her and hold that sweet miracle baby!

Finally, we finished the day and spent the night with another sweet family we knew from church here that moved away last summer! B and E have an adorable 16 month old little boy, H, and they were so gracious (and brave!) to welcome us all into their home for the night! The girls had an awesome pallet party in their playroom, and T and I enjoyed hanging out with B and E after the kids went to sleep. What a day! Needless to say, we all slept great that night!
The next morning we got ready and went to church on the way to the town where my great aunt Brookie lives. After church we went to her house for the annual reunion and had a great time catching up with extended family and enjoying her super cooking. The girls especially had fun with their second cousins, C and G, shown in the photos below. C and G were awesome with the girls, tirelessly entertaining them all afternoon with stories, games, and all kinds of fun. A week later the girls are still talking about them daily!

Here's Aunt Brookie with her great and great-great nieces and nephews!

It was a really fun weekend with so many special people. We are blessed!