Monday, July 12, 2010

Our New Go-Getter

When I leave RL on the floor in his room now, here's what happens...

He's not content to hang out and wait for me to come back! In a matter of seconds he has left the toys I put near him in a distraction attempt in the dust and found the exit. He is a boy on a get out the door and, usually, try to gets his hands (and drool) on the noise machine which usually sits outside his room. Toward the end of June, it was obvious that crawling and a tooth were imminent, but which would come first? As it turned out, he achieved both on the same day, June 30! He's still defaulting to his tummy crawl as he gradually improves his form on true crawling, but it's coming along. And the tooth (bottom right) is adorable and surely soon to have some company on that bumpy little lower jaw. He's getting so big so fast.

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