Wednesday, June 23, 2010

8 Months

Today marks 8 months since our little guy arrived! It seems like he's progressed a few months worth in just the last week or so. He really just started sitting up totally unassisted without alot of wobbling right before we went on our road trip, and now he is getting up on his hands and knees and rocking like he is almost ready to crawl. In the meantime, though, he can get where he wants to go with an army crawl/inchworm combo..."creeping" I guess? When I put him down on a blanket in the middle of the floor with toys on it, he stays about half a minute before he's off to explore the periphery of the room. Watch out, sisters! He is going to be out to get all those fun things they leave lying around. Just yesterday AG said, "Mom, L is into everything!" I'm sure this is just the beginning for this little explorer! Here's a video from today...I was hoping to get the hands and knees pose, but a little creeping was all I could get.

A few things I want to remember:
He does this little gravelly coo, like a gentle growl, precious!
He's enjoying picking up little finger foods like puffs, cheerios, and bits of bread.
He loves to put everything in his mouth and is a great drooler, but so far no teeth have broken through. I can see them right near the surface, though, so those bottom two could be showing up anytime.
Ralph is still his sleeptime essential! Thankfully I tracked down another one which he quickly initiated into the wet stinky ear club, so now we can have one to wash while the other gets chewed on!
He doesn't really drink from a sippy cup yet, but he thinks they are lots of fun to bang and throw down.

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