Singing along with Johnette Downing at the library...

Visiting the zoo with friends...

Celebrating Father's Day with the wonderful Daddy at our house...

Meeting another special guest at the library (Daisy the potbelly pig)

and lots of playtime inside.

A few things you might have heard recently if you were a fly on our wall:
-Plenty of (the closest thing our little Southern belles can get to) British accents during the imaginative "games" the girls play daily, often while galloping around the house on their horse (aka my broom, whose stable is, conveniently, in the laundry room)
-SJ's typical reply to questions warranting a response of "I am": "I'm is!"
-LL, the day after she was disciplined for telling me a lie: "I'm glad I didn't lie [today] because if I lied I'd be miserable when I grew up like Adam and Eve."
-SJ when T comes in from work: "I'm so glad you're home, Daddy!!!"
-AG, totally serious after hearing Grandpa tell us one of her almost-teenage cousins had recently told her own parents they "aren't cool anymore": "You mean like their air conditioner is not working?"
-LL, about a boy she saw at the pool on vacation: "His name is Marco. He was playing a game with his sister and she was closing her eyes and saying 'Marco, where are you?'"