We've been staying home alot, missing most of our usual activities due to a mild but persistent case of the sniffles that we've passed around since Thanksgiving. It's also been very rainy for the last week or so, so playing outside hasn't even been an option most days. The girls have been pretty good at making the most of these days anyway, getting creative inside and coming up with lots of different games with interesting roles for each to play. Not surprisingly, they often pretend to be moms and other kids we know, storekeepers, chefs, or characters from Narnia or Little House on the Prairie. One day they made stages out of blankets and pillows and did a concert:

SJ with her new haircut and the inflatable microphone she got as a prize from the hair place

Even though it can be trying to stay in so much, they come up with ways to have fun and never fail to make me laugh everyday. I'm thankful to have three little indoor sunshines on these dreary weather days!
Weekend before last it snowed a little on Friday night, and we woke up to a little bit of icy snow on the ground the next morning. They lasted a few minutes before deciding they'd rather come in for hot chocolate!

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