After our Thanksgiving day celebration, the fun continued through the weekend with a few other special avtivities. On Friday morning I awoke to a quiet, seemingly empty house and then discovered AG and LL in the backyard with T, playing in the frost! It's not as much fun as the snow we got last December, but we make the most of whatever wintery white groundcover we get down here!

(We actually got a bit of real snow this weekend, but I haven't uploaded that photo yet...just one because the snow was pretty icy by the morning and the girls didn't last long out there!)
We spent part of Friday morning at the zoo...the highlight of our visit was seeing the new baby rhino, just a few months old and pretty cute for a rhino!

After the zoo, we headed out to a tree farm to pick out and cut our own Christmas tree! AG scouted out the scene as all 6 of us tromped through the "forest"...

while LL's complete attention was focused on gathering "ferns" to make soup with when we got home (imagination at work! Let her know if you need a good recipe for fern soup!)

We decided on the tree for us and T got to work sawing.

Timber! Ready to load it up and take it home!

Family photo at the forest's edge on our way out

Saturday was my birthday, and although T and the girls cooked breakfast and gave me some gifts early, RL gave me what I consider my first gift of the day...a night with only one middle-of-the-night wake up call! It was wonderful to get a four hour and three hour stretch of sleep on the same night. I was hopeful that it was the beginning of something good sleepwise, but that night and every night since he's been back to his snacking every few hours. However, he did take his first bottle later that day with absolutely no fussing (another gift!)...

We hung out at home most of the day and watched our team win the Egg Bowl...another fun "treat"! That night we went out to eat at Chili's...always a winner with the girls! It was sweet to celebrate the blessing of another year with my favorite people...our first meal out as a family of 6. (In this pic, RL is asleep behind the blanket!)